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Smoker’s organs – what are they?

First of all, not only the organs of the smoker suffer from tobacco, especially the cardiovascular activity and the respiratory system. For 1 year of smoking, up to 1 kg of poisonous tar, a breeding ground for diseases, settles in the lungs. The body responds to a chemical attack in the form of acid, ammonia, pyridine, carbon particles, aromatic hydrocarbons with a strong cough.

For three years, with a rhythm of smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a smoker consumes about 22 thousand of them, which is equivalent to working in a uranium mine.

What is the actual problem?

Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer. One cigarette in nature is equivalent to a 16-hour inhalation of benzopyrene and carbon monoxide on the autobahn; one hundred cigarettes – a year of experience working with toxic hazards.

Suffering organs get cancer, stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteochondrosis, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, thrombosis. The person falls into depression and hysteria.

Which organs are affected first?

Smoking is a dry distillation that yields 4,000 harmful compounds that contain nicotine, tar, arsenic, mercury, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, and many others . Poisons destroy the internal organs of a smoker; first of all – lungs, brain, heart, liver.


In smokers with experience, fingers turn yellow, the face darkens and becomes covered with wrinkles. Dry skin does not regenerate, does not rejuvenate. Before and after plastic and any other operations, the risk of skin rejection increases, colloidal scars form.

Grayish-earthy skin is clearly expressed. There are dark circles around the eyes. After all, the substances of tobacco smoke affect the protein responsible for the regeneration and elasticity of tissues. And yet – oxygen starvation of cells is evident!

lower limbs

Smoking affects the elasticity of connective tissues. A minor injury – and a torn ligament.

With a slowdown in blood circulation in the extremities, a high level of blood clotting factors, blood clots appear in the vessels affected by atherosclerosis. They are able to block any vein or artery. Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities causes swelling of the legs, damage to the valves of the veins. Trophic ulcers and gangrene are not excluded.

Cardiovascular activity

The components of tobacco smoke from the lungs enter the bloodstream, and with it to the brain. Nicotine depletes a smoker’s organs. The targets are the vasomotor and respiratory brain centers and, consequently, the heart, blood vessels, and brain.

Those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day have a life expectancy 8 years less than the average.

Influencing the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, nicotine causes vascular spasms, pressure instability. Vascular walls are damaged by leaps and bounds, blood viscosity increases, blood clots form, and as a result, heart attacks and strokes occur.


Violation of gastric functions and gastritis is not the worst thing. The internal organs of a smoker are at risk of getting cancer. The target is the pancreas, esophagus, stomach. Smoking on an empty stomach contributes to irritation of the mucous membranes and the rapid development of peptic ulcer.


Of all the organs of a smoker, the main “purification facility” of the body, the liver, gets the most. The liver of a heavy smoker ceases to be a filter, accumulates harmful substances in itself. Carcinogens suppress resistance to the growth of malignant tumors, damage the DNA of cells that degenerate into malignant neoplasms. 70% of liver cancer deaths are due to smokers.

organs of vision

Nicotine is the main poison of tobacco. Its single dose of 0.08 g in its pure form is lethal. Nicotine affects the senses, reduces hearing, visual acuity. Three cigarettes smoked reduces visual perception by 25%.

genitourinary system

The human hormonal system is guided by signals from the central nervous system. Nicotine, affects the brain, “knocks down” the work of these signals, changing the balance of hormones.

In women, there is more oxytocin and vasopressin, which increase contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and less hormones, which help the normal development of the egg. Smokers suffer from menstrual irregularities, pregnant women do not bear a fetus.

According to scientific studies, smoking causes up to 80% of cancers in women and up to 90% in men. Heavy smokers get lung cancer 30 times more often.

The cascade of reactions to smoking negatively affects vascular tone. Cigarettes are the cause of erectile dysfunction in young men. Excessive tobacco consumption leads to sexual impotence.

Oral cavity

This destroys tooth enamel. Microcracks accumulate food debris and bacteria. The teeth are destroyed, covered with a brown coating.

The temperature of a smoldering cigarette reaches 300 ºС, when puffed, the cigarette heats up to 1000 ºС.

The oral mucosa is irritated by the chemicals in tobacco smoke. As a result, inflammation of the salivary glands and gums, increased salivation. Women who smoke become decrepit early. Their voice loses its attractiveness and coarsens, teeth darken, a repulsive smell appears.

Digestive system

Nicotine affects the internal organs of a smoker, the mucous membranes of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and contributes to their inflammation. Indigestion borders on intermittent diarrhea, constipation.

Tobacco provokes an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. Taste preferences change, the appetite deteriorates, the stomach protests against toxic substances, smokers “click” on flour and fat.


Nicotine and benzidine are nerve poisons that act on the central nervous system. They are especially dangerous for unborn children, they penetrate the brain and disrupt its development. The mental abilities of such children are markedly reduced.

When smoking, within 10 seconds to 2 minutes, nicotine reaches the brain, striking with a specific intoxicating effect. 10-15% of smokers have mental disorders: depression, neurasthenia, etc.

The organs of a smoker and a healthy person, what are the differences?

According to scientific studies in smokers:

  • the risk of death from a stroke or heart attack is 4 times higher compared to non-smokers;
  • the death rate in cancer of the stomach and esophagus is 3 times higher than in non-smokers;
  • 10 times more common stomach ulcer and 3-4 times higher mortality from it;
  • sudden death from coronary disease occurs 5 times more often;
  • the mortality rate in diseases of the circulatory and coronary vessels is 2.5 and 2 times higher;
  • The average age of smokers who died from heart attacks is 48 years, non-smokers -67 years.

For male smokers:

  • erectile dysfunction is observed 30% more often than in non-smokers;
  • changes in chromosomes occur more often, the apparatus of heredity is “damaged” (children are born with a “cleft lip”, asymmetry of the eyes, etc. );

For women who smoke:

  • handicapped, premature and dead children are born;
  • premature miscarriages up to 36 weeks occur 2 times more often.

The internal organs of a smoker wear out and age. Only by quitting smoking, you can regain youth and evaluate your condition before and after.

Recovery of organs after quitting smoking by day

From smoking, a person receives extra expenses, an unpleasant smell and appearance, and life-threatening diseases. Quit cigarettes, start a quit calendar, and track your daily progress:

  • 1 day – improvement of hemodynamic parameters;
  • 1 week – elimination of physical dependence, normalization of the activity of the stomach and pancreas;
  • 1 month – restoration of immunity, taste buds and smell; improvement of the skin (fresh skin of natural color);
  • 6 months – normalization of vascular tone and digestion, appetite and sleep; increase in lung capacity, breathing without shortness of breath; the beginning of the revival of the liver, an increase in overall activity;
  • 1 year – the voice is louder, the mood is better, the risk of cancer, heart attack, stroke is reduced by 2 times.

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