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The effect of nicotine and alcohol on humans

Today it is known for sure that nicotine, which is part of cigarettes of all brands, is not only biologically active, but also has a psychotropic effect on a person. Smoking is the most common type of tobacco use by people, while the effect of nicotine and alcohol on a person is a blow not only to individual organs, but to the entire body as a whole.

Tobacco users are more likely to develop cancer. In almost 90% of deaths due to pulmonary pathologies, smoking becomes to blame.

Alcohol is perhaps the greatest harm to the human body. It causes tremendous harm to the processes of thinking, which is clearly visible in the final stages of alcoholic addiction. If proper help is not provided to a person in a timely manner, then in the end the person’s personality degrades to an insane state.

A duet of nicotine and alcohol leads to death. People who use cigarettes often become addicted to alcohol. And vice versa. Dr. Johnny Denis proved on practical material that the inhalation of tobacco smoke increases the chance of developing alcohol addiction, including in animals! That is, smoking and alcohol, even separately from each other, provoke the development of not only diseases in the body, but also increased dependence.

Influence on the human nervous system

Two minutes after entering the stomach, alcohol passes into the blood. From there, the blood spreads throughout the body, damaging tissues and organs. When alcohol enters the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex , it slows down its work, as a result of which a person “breaks the roof”, inexplicable joy appears, meaningless laughter, a person loses shame and a sense of proportion.

New portions of alcohol aggravate the situation, paralyzing the nerve centers. As a result, a person begins to double in his eyes, coordination of movements is disturbed, and the ability to reason logically is lost. At the same time, 15% of people have the opposite effect of alcohol – drowsiness and despondency appear.

Alcohol and tobacco are scientifically justified as substances that are identical in composition and principle of action to drugs. The desire to drink or smoke develops in a person at the level of reflexes – for the first time vomiting or coughing may begin, as a protective reaction of the body to an irritant, and then addiction appears – new reflexes are developed, for example, smoking after lunch or drinking at dinner. And then at this time a person has an irresistible desire.

Nicotine is the strongest poison. Due to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system caused by the use of nicotine, smokers have problems with digestion and the cardiovascular system. It is not uncommon for people who quit smoking to have memory lapses. This is also caused by the harmful effects of nicotine.

Often smokers have epilepsy. Stopping smoking usually either completely eliminates its symptoms, or alleviates the course of the disease. Here, nicotine does not cause problems, but simply exacerbates them.

For a short time, nicotine dilates the blood vessels, supposedly improving the performance of the brain, but very quickly the effect fades away – the vessels narrow and the working conditions of the higher nervous system only worsen.

Impact on human embryonic and postembryonic development

In smoking men, the number of spermatozoa decreases, their mobility decreases, as a result of which the process of conceiving a child becomes more complicated. As a result of prolonged smoking , potency also weakens.

With women, the situation is no better – in the last three to four decades, the number of smoking girls of childbearing age has increased, in the region of 20-30 years. In developed capitalist countries, about 20% of women smoke at this age. Smoking has a detrimental effect not only on the lungs, heart and liver – the constant use of nicotine causes menstrual irregularities, as a result of which the chance of conceiving a child decreases.

For understanding – a woman who smokes is 43% less likely to conceive a child than a non-smoker. With long-term smoking, women may develop problems during childbearing, such as bleeding and placental rupture.

Often, the consequence of the influence of alcohol and nicotine on the body of a smoker, a woman in particular, is the appearance of complications during childbirth. And in general, pregnancy and fetal development in women who smoke rarely proceed without complications.

In the placenta, tissues die, the number of blood vessels decreases. Nicotine causes vasospasm in the uterus, which disrupts blood circulation.

But nicotine gets to the fetus not only through the placenta. Scientists have found it in the amniotic fluid, and nicotine that gets there can be swallowed . Accordingly, in the organisms of children of smoking mothers, nicotine is much longer, which adversely affects the development of the fetus. The child of a smoking woman is much more likely to develop hereditary diseases than the child of a non-smoker.

If smoking more often leads to problems with the nervous system of the child, then alcohol abuse by pregnant women can lead to the appearance of specific appearance features in the child – a small head, narrow eyes, a flat face, children of smoking women are usually short in stature, have problems with bones, eyes, ears , heart. They often experience communication and learning problems.

What organs are affected first?

In people who smoke and drink, the liver is the first to suffer. In general, all liver diseases in them are much more acute. The liver neutralizes harmful substances that enter the body. During a mass examination of smokers, doctors found abnormal changes in the gallbladder and liver in most of them.

The main liver problems caused by alcohol are liver steatosis (accumulation of large amounts of fat in the liver), alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver. In women, liver problems begin much earlier than in men.

The influence of nicotine and alcohol on a person is also the development of oncological diseases, often lung cancer and tuberculosis. Cigarette smoke enters the chest cavity, and from there into the bronchi. The harm of tobacco smoke is: irritation of the trachea (cough), decreased lung function, shortness of breath, damage to the air sacs of the lungs and an increased risk of catching an infection due to a weakened immune system.

Nicotine and alcohol have the most terrible effect on the human brain. Nicotine, getting into the lungs of a person, after 8 seconds is already in the human brain.

With prolonged abuse of these substances, in addition to dependence, a person loses his place in society, faces misunderstanding, which further aggravates his psychological state. Therefore, it is better not to abuse alcohol and cigarettes, and life will be beautiful!

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